and the 2023 award goes to...
The International Association of Fairs and Expos is the fair industries trade organization to sharing ideas, networking and creating all around better experiences for our guests at the Nebraska State Fair. Each year, we scurry to submit the “best ofs” in a multitude of categories. The judging was revealed for the 2023 season, against some of the largest fairs across the world, and we are humbled with the results. Drumroll please…
1st Place: Beyond the Show Ring – Ag Exhibitor Event, Awards, Participation Incentives or Retention Program
2nd Place: Beyond the Show Ring – Technique/Procedure/Policy to correct an issue or challenge.
1st Place: Boy Hugging Cow Photo
1st Place: Bull Riding Photo
2nd Place: Draft Pull Photo
2nd Place: Senior Living – New Class
3rd Place: State Float Display Method
3rd Place: Buffalo Herd Pencil Series
3rd Place: Giant Overalls
2nd Place: Cable Reel Decorating Contest

1st Place: Tabitha – First time Sponsorship
Tabitha was a first time Day Sponsor of the Nebraska State Fair for 2023. Their caring staff came full of smiles, ready to work hard to make it a great event for all. Tabitha was an exceptional State Fair partner and we are blessed to have them in our community!